To self, on self:
Give yourself the space, understanding, and love you’d give to others in your place. Believe that just like you accept others for what they are, just like you never have the urge to judge but to understand, that there are others willing to do the same for you. Cut yourself some slack. Leave yourself alone. Be it letting yourself enjoy moments, or allowing yourself to explore a scary thought. There is no need to tear yourself apart and lay the pieces out for anyone. Let your life go on, because my god is it moving, it’s wheels turning, spinning, racing forward. Let it. Let yourself still experience this world and to enjoy existence even when things are fucked up in your mind. The thought of feeling undeserving is illogical, for if others really did (and they don’t) think you were, shouldn’t you be the first to think otherwise? To be there for yourself, to be your greatest advocate. You are given this mind of yours without an exchange policy, yes, but also without pre-determined standards. Love yourself enough to take the time and to put in the effort to explore it; the dark corners that give you hot flashes, the self-sabotaging personas, acknowledge every fucked up thought, study them like fascinating creatures, without criticism. You live with yourself for the rest of your life, what is within you is permanent. Every circumstance, temporary.